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James Ward of WardADT is one of the few FutureQuals qualified National Principal Assessors authorised to deliver blue light emergency response driving courses and assessments/re-assessments (3-5 yearly periodic HSDT CPC training) in compliance with Section 19 Road Safety Act 2006 under the provisions governed by the HSDT (High Speed Driver Training) Codes of Conduct.


This training can *ONLY be provided to prsonnel who have a business and legal requirement to be re-trained or re-qualified in the use of blue lights who will be authorised to make use of legal exemptions upon completion of training for a further 5 years. Applicants must be working for a Care Quality Commission (CQC) approved ambulance service or private provider with a contract of employment in place who responds at the request of an NHS Trust.

Ward ADT Sct19 RSA Assessments
James Ward NPA
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Proposed Legislation Changes from Sct.19 Road Safety Act 2006


Section 19 is due for governmental consultation and its introduction into the Road Safety Act (2006), which will replace the current Section 87 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act (1984) exemptions to posted speed limits etc. This will also be supported by the introduction of a new act The Road Traffic (Training Courses for Driving Vehicles at High Speed) Regulation 2020, which changes the way that emergency response driving courses and assessments are conducted.


The original RSA legislation has been scrutinised since 2006, but is now being reappraised by Parliamentary review in Oct 2022 for introduction (still yet to be enacted). Upon enactment, this will have a significant impact within the industry, and both organisations and individuals will need to be prepared to maintain operations.


How will this impact me or my organisation?


Moving forward, only designated courses which have been formally approved by a Chief Executive of an Emergency NHS Trust, will be permitted to drive an ambulance vehicle under emergency conditions to a 999 response call. The current qualifications to be accepted are likely to be the FutureQuals L3CERAD/CERADL3 Qualification, BTEC Level 3 Emergency Response Driving, IHCD D1/D2 Qualifications and any Internal NHS Ambulance Trust Qualification prior to any accredited courses being available. It is not yet known exactly which courses will and won't be accepted but are likely to fall within the framework of Level 3 QCF/RQF qualifications by Ofqual. 


In addition to this, all personnel that hold a recognised qualification (as indicated above), will now need to be formally re-assessed every 5-years regarding their practical application and theoretical knowledge, to demonstrate that they are still current and competent for role when driving under emergency response conditions. This is designed to raise the industry standards and to promote and maintain professionalism and safety for all road users. 


The majority of all NHS Trusts have already distributed letters to their respective Contractors, asking them in how they intend to train, assess and remain compliant against the contract with the introduction of Section 19 Road Safety Act 2006.


Assessment Overview (Sct.19 RSA Compliant)


The Ward ADT purposely designed 1-day  (7 Hour) CPD training and development session is Section 19 compliant and delivered by qualified trainers as stipulated in the High Speed Driver Ttraining (HSDT) Codes of Conduct, Codes: HSDT 7/8/9. 


Course participants will receive instruction and formal re-assessment, regarding their practical application of routine and emergency response driving.


Our course ratio is restricted to a maximum of 2:1 to ensure that the stipulated training time and assessments can be completed for compliance with proposed legislation. 


Training is completed by industry experts, who hold the required formal qualification in Emergency Response Driving Instruction (L4DERADI) , Certificates of Assessment of Vocational and Occupational Training (L3CAVA) as well as being DVSA Approved Driving Instructors (for Category B vehicles, where applicable).


On completion, individuals will receive a Ward ADT CPD HSDT RSA Certificate of Completion (CPD Qualifying: 7 Hours) and a Formal Assessment Report. Re-assessment lasts for 5 years. 


For more information, pricing and availability please CONTACT US.

Payment & Invoicing Terms and Conditions


For your peace of mind all payments through are processed securely by Square - All WardADT pages are encrypted using SSL for your protection.

All major credit and debit cards are accepted. Telephone Credit and Debit Card payments are available by calling 07834 014 973 and these are processed by Square securely. Chip and Pin and Contactless Payments are processed by Square. All payments must be completed before training commences.

Invoicing is preferred method and payments should be made via electronic bank transfer or credit/debit cards within 7 days of issue, Telephone payments via credit/debit cards will incur a small transaction fee. Short notice cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will not be subject to refund.

Manual PayPal payments can be made via

All courses are subject to non-refundable booking deposits of £100.00 - no booking will be confirmed without deposit confirmation.

All rights reserved WardADT 

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Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8.00am - 6.00pm

Sat: 10.00am - 6.00pm


Chipping Ongar, Essex, CM5


Five Star Reviews
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Blue Lamp Trust

Copyright © 2017-2025 James Ward, Ward Advanced Driver Training

 The Ward ADT Official Logo is Copyright © 2011-2025 James Ward. All rights reserved.
This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service: Registration No: 284721601 

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